Start painting in mono color – Page 1 
How to start painting in tones
If you start painting in mono color or mono chrome, you will learn the skills of painting without becoming confused with which color to use.
Also you will quickly learn what is meant by ‘tone’ – we are painting in tones of one color –
The general rule of tones is pale tones in the background and dark tones in the foreground.
This gives us ‘perspective’ – a 3D look about our paintings.
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To start painting in color – go to Page 3
If you start painting in mono color or mono chrome, you will learn the skills of painting without becoming confused with which color to use.
All these lessons can be painted in oil or acrylic; in fact you can use water color or pencils to copy the lesson.
Take your time and watch the lessons through to get the idea of what you will be doing. The painting lessons on this website are arranged from simple to advanced.
If you are a beginner or a painter that has come to a standstill with your progress then it is to your advantage to start here from scratch with these mono color lessons.
When learning to paint it is important to learn the skills before attempting to paint complicated pictures.
So here I advise you to play around with these simple mono color paintings, do not fiddle with them, if you are not satisfied with a result, paint another little picture and compare your work to see what you need to improve.
Watch painting lessons here for free or visit the download store and download any video to your computer for $2
Paint on any surface and you will find the surface that suits your needs. Paint little pictures – say 8 inches high (200mm)
You may practice your painting skills with any medium, and I mean anything, pencil, chalk, house paint, all help to improve your skills.
While not practicing the skills of painting, look around you and see how things fade into the distance, and how they get smaller to the eye as they move away, then look at this short tutorial Perspective (the 4th video on the page) and compare what you see in nature to the ideas expressed on the video. On the next pages we look at more videos and notes about learning to paint in oil or acrylic.
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